Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Che c'è di nuovo? Roma!

I'll post descriptions of these Rome photos after my Art History final today. Until then, enjoy!


  1. if you didn't get yelled at for taking a picture of the sistine chapel you really missed out on half of the fun of il musei! But where's the pictures of the food?!

  2. Nice photos. Looks like you had a great time in Rome.

  3. I agree with Nate. Getting yelled at in Italian for taking pictures is one of the joys of Rome.

    Great photos...and I can't wait to hear about your time in one of my favorite cities!

  4. Yipee! Italia! Oh man, I wish we could travel the world with you! Plus, I wouldn't mind being seen with you...you are so stylish! Hotcha!

  5. I miss this blog.
